Wednesday, June 26, 2013

TV Stand Progress

Me and Matthew bought this TV Stand for $5 a few weeks ago in hope of re-selling it. It is made of particle board and laminate wood and we finally found a great way to paint it to look brand new.

Today it looks like this.

Still very unfinished, but I'd say that it is a lot of progress from what we started from! We first had to remove the spinning top. It made a TV sit really uneasy on the top due to a screw placed in the very center. Then we filled in the holes that held the spinning top with DuPont AirTite Siliconized Acrylic Caulk for interior and exterior surfaces. We got a 5.5 fl oz tube at Lowes for $2.

We then removed the backing of the original TV Stand because it had tons of problems. We got a new backing (not shown here) at lowes for $6. It was basically a piece of wood that they cut to the exact dimensions of this original backing. We brought in this backing shown to have an exact measurement.

That's when we started to prime. We used Zinsser cover stain oil based primer and it worked wonders! However, whatever you do, make sure not to get any on you. It stained us for days. Also, use cheap brushes that you wouldn't mind throwing away because this stuff will not come off of paint brushes without a paint thinner.

We I was super nervous after the first coat because the TV stand looked like this.

Matthew kept telling me that it was just the first coat and it was just primer. And turns out he was right. Once again. Now I put the doors on just to get a little sneak peak at what it will look like once we do paint it white. Still to do?

  1. Paint over the primer white. 
  2. Put (cute) little knobs on the doors
  3. Paint and install new backing
  4. Remove those wheels and get some legs installed
Well, till the next update! It already looks better than the $5 piece we bought from goodwill if you ask me!

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